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发布时间:2023-10-01 23:23:29

① 请在你看过的一部英文电影中找出10个单词,5个句子

H: Harry; D: Dunbledore; Hag: Hagrid; Mc: McGonagall; Pet: Aunt Petunia; Ver: Uncle Vernon; Dud: Dudley;
Gob: Goblin; Oth(s): Unknown(s)/ extra(s); R: Ron Weasley; HG: Hermione; Mrs. W: Mrs. Weasley, P: Percy;
Snake: Snake from zoo Q: Quirrell; Tom: Bartender from the Leaky Cauldron; Griphook: Goblin from Gringotts; Olli: Ollivander;
G: George Weasley; F: Fred Weasley; Ginny: Ginny Weasley; N: Neville; SH: Sorting Hat;
M: Draco Malfoy; SF: Seamus Finnigan; Sir N: Sir Nicholas (Nearly-Headless-Nick); S: Severus Snape;
MH: Madame Hooch; F: Filch; OW: Oliver Wood; Fl: Professor Flitwick; Pic: Picture on a Hogwarts wall;
FL: The Fat Lady; *: Not positive who; Fil: Filch; HogGos: Hogwart Ghosts; V: Voldemort
Underlined: Book title; Italics: Spell

D: I should've known you would have been here Professor McGonagall.
Mc: Good evening Professor Dumbledore. Are the rumors true Albus?
D: I'm afraid so Professor. The good and the bad.
Mc: And the boy?
D: Hagrid is bringing him.
Mc: Do you think it wise to trust Hagrid w/ something as important as this?
D: Ah, Prof. I would trust Hagrid w/ my life
Hag: Professor. Dumbledore, sir. Professor McGonagall.
D; No problems I trust Hagrid?
Hag: No, sir. Little tyke fell asleep as we were flying over Bristol. Try not to wake him. There you go.
Mc : Albus, do really think it's safe leaving him with these people? I've watched them all day. There're the worst sort of Muggles imaginable. They really are- -
D: The only family he has.
Mc: This boy will be famous. There won't be a child in our world who doesn't know his name.
D: Exactly. He's far better off growing up away from all of that. Until he is ready. There, there Hagrid. It's not really goodbye after all. Good Luck, Harry Potter.

- - - - -
Pet.: Up. Get up! Now!
Dud: Wake up cousin! We're going to the zoo!
Pet: Here he comes the birthday boy!
Ver: happy birthday son.
Pet: Why don't you just cook the breakfast and try not to burn anything.
H: Yes Aunt Petunia.
Pet: I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day!
Ver: Hurry up! Bring my coffee boy!
H: yes Uncle Vernon.
Pet: Aren't they wonderful darling?
Dud: How many are there?
V: 36, Counted them myself.
V: Yes, but some of them are a bit bigger than last year's!
Dud: I don't care how big they are!
Pet: Now, now, now, this is what we're going to do. Is that when we go out we're going to buy you 2 new presents. How's that pumpkin?

Pet: It should be a lovely day at the zoo. I'm really looking forward to it.
V: I'm warning you now boy. Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week. Get in.

Dud: Make it move.
V: Move.
Dud: MOVE!
H: He's asleep.
Dud: He's boring.
H: Sorry about him he doesn't understand what it's like, lying there day after day watching people press their ugly faces in on you. Can you hear me? It's just I've never talked to a snake before. Do you?Do you talk to people often? You're from Burma, aren't you? Was it nice there? Did you miss your family? I see. That's me as well. I never knew my parents either.
Dud: Mummy, Dad, come here you won't believe what this snake is doing! Woah! Woah! Ah!
Snake: Thanks.
H: Any time.
Oth: Snake! Ahh!
Dud: Mum! Mummy! Help me!
P: My darling boy! How did you get in there! Who did this? How did you get in there? Is there a snake?

② 电影的英语单词



③ 看英文电影,有不认识的单词要不要一个一个去查


④ 关于电影分类的英语单词

1、奇幻电影——Fantasy Film


奇幻电影(Fantasy Film)在电影的划分中可以与科幻电影以及恐怖电影(horror film)划为同一类型,具有代表性的作品包括《指环王》《霍比特人》《哈利波特》。

2、动作片——Action Films

又称为惊险动作片(Action-Adventure Films),是以强烈紧张的惊险动作和视听张力为核心的影片类型。具备巨大的冲击力、持续的高效动能、一系列外在惊险动作和事件。


3、喜剧电影——Comedy film


4、恐怖电影——Scary Movie


5、爱情电影——love film


⑤ 有关电影的英文单词




1. cast 阵容

2. filmstar, movie star 电影明星

3. star,lead 主角

4. double,stand-in 替身演员

5. stuntman 特技替身演员

6. extra,walker-on 临时演员

7. characteractor 性格演员

8. regularplayer 基本演员

9. extra 特别客串

10. filmstar 电影明星

11. filmactor 男电影明星

12. filmactress 女电影明星

13. support 配角

14. util 跑龙套

film instry 电影工业

1. cinematograph 电影摄影机, 电影放映机

2. cinema,pictures 电影院 (美作:movie theater)

3. first-runcinema 首轮影院

4. second-runcinema 二轮影院

5. arttheatre 艺术影院

6. continuousperformance cinema 循环场电影院

7. filmsociety 电影协会,电影俱乐部 (美作:film club)

8. filmlibrary 电影资料馆

9. premiere 首映式

10. filmfestival 电影节

11. distributor 发行人

12. Boardof Censors 审查署

13. shootingschele 摄制计划

14. censor’scertificate 审查级别

15. release 准予上映

16. bannedfilm 禁映影片

A- certificate A级(儿童不宜)

17. U-certificateU级

18. X-certificateX级(成人级)

19. direction 导演

20. proction 制片

21. adaptation 改编

22. scenario,screenplay, script 编剧

23. scene 场景

24. exterior 外景

25. lighting 灯光

26. shooting 摄制

27. toshoot 拍摄

28. dissolve 渐隐,化入,化出

29. fade-out 淡出

30. fade-in 淡入

31. pan 摇镜头

32. frame,picture 镜头

33. still 静止

34. doubleexposure 两次曝光

35. superimposition 叠印

36. exposuremeter 曝光表

37. printing 洗印



⑦ 如何在视频里找一个英文单词 比如说在下载好了的一堆电影里找一个单词 快速方便





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