導航:首頁 > 電影資訊 > 如何用英語介紹電影院


發布時間:2024-05-07 20:48:53

A. 用英語介紹一下最好的一家電影院

It is the latest in cinema, it's at the edge of the mall, where you can buy tickets as soon as possible, wait a short time, he has the largest screen and the most comfortable seat. The sound of the film is the best in that seat, you can do very comfortable, they are a ticket in about 80 yuan, 3D movie needs of 120 yuan, is not very expensive. It has the most friendly, attentive service. In this cinema is very happy

B. 用英語寫你喜歡的電影院和三條理由

My favorite cinema is the Big Screen .Because it is the closest to my house .And it also has the most comfortable seats . Last but not the least , it has the best service .

C. 描寫英語作文關於電影院的作文

The best movie theater

Which is the best movie theater? I think the best movie theater is Town City.
It is the cheapest. And it has the biggest screens.
It has the most comfortable seats. I like to go there. I always go there with
my friends on weekends.
I don』t like the Movie Palace. It is dirty. And it is not close to my home. I
like Town City best.



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